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Old February 7th, 2008, 04:12   #8
GBB Whisperer
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Location: Toronto
Yup, I used righty-tighty lefty-loosey. Not sure if you can tell by those photos, but the shearing should indicate the direction I was torquing, as the damage is assymetrical.

I actually didn't use much force at all. I laid the PTW on its side on top of a phone book, with cylinder and mag inserted. Placed my foot on top of the receiver, mag under my heel, toes against the upper and then applied my weight downwards on the armourer's wrench to take the nut off counter-clockwise. I only weigh 135 pounds... I put my weight down and the wrench moved... it wasn't jerky or anything. I stopped right away and thought "wow... that was easier than I thought..."

Then I saw the minor white line visible in the 4th and 5th pictures and thought "omg... please tell me no...."

Then I turned the receiver around and saw the upper receiver separated from the lower. Sounds of howling banshees erupted within my head, as I looked in to the crevice to see the big cracks.

I've had my PTW for about a half year now, but it's only sat in my closet. It's never even seen field-use. :P

And you are correct - the barrel nut is steel and the receiver is die-cast aluminum. I've also heard of dissimilar metals seizing in my studies and it was also what I was assuming happened here.

As for the warranty covering this, I have a feeling that even if I brought this issue to Systema, they'll tell me "well... you used your foot on it. Our proper assembly/disassembly technique requires a receiver vice, which you didn't use."


boourns. I've never caused this much damage on even a regular AEG receiver!

Last edited by ILLusion; February 7th, 2008 at 04:20..
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