Thread: Minor Retailer
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Old January 30th, 2008, 17:53   #1
ChiefInTrees's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2007
Minor Retailer

Droc asked me to toss this up.
Sup bagel-bandits
Around 2 and a half years ago, around the time that chinasoft was starting to plague the forums, I found this guys site called MPProductions. It was a craptastic site based in Ontario that sold airsoft and softair guns. I looked into it and it turns out its run by a 14 year old kid. I baited him to get info and eventually reported it to crimestoppers(what happened after that I dont know).
I cant find the URL for his site, but I know I made a post about it somewhere back in the day. Thread had webcam pics of the kid holding springers and plastic tactical vest.
He used to tell me how he used to sell china guns at his school out of his backpack.

Now, after 2 or more years, the kid replies to one of my old baiting emails out of the blue. Email is below.

RE: addition‏
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Sent: January 30, 2008 5:27:12 PM

I have a JG AK47 Plastic gear box metal bod, With adjustable Hop Up, Muzzle speed 265 FPS, 8.4V battery, Gun length 28". Magazine & upgrade Marui compatible. for $230 SHIPPED

I also have a full size AK47 electric rifle. Shoots at 230 FPS. High capacity 200 round BB magazine. Come with rechargeable battery and battery charger for $185 SHIPPED

For both I can do $400 SHIPPED -- let me know -- I guarantee you they wont last long NOT AT ALL.

I can also do some JG guns but must be at least 6 for me to do a good price if you do more let me know and I can do sick prices

Payment by Paypal, cheque or Moneyorder.
Plugged from facebook
Michael Petrovski
Markham, ON

Perhaps someone in the community might want look into this.

PS if Firemachine is still around, someone call him a douche for me
There are no such things as dead bodies. There are only zombies who are too afraid of Bruce Campbell to get up.
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