I finally received my p90 yesterday (after almost a year of waiting) and im looking at these options myself. I spent like 5 hours yesterday on these forums and on google trying to decide what i want. I want to keep this gun looking as STOCK as possible.
I bought a Sanyo 9.6v 1700ma jbatt a while back in anticipation and i looked at the installation procedures for the jbatt mod. After comparing greykin's p90 mod post and arnie's post ive become a bit confused. From what i understand so far, you have to sand off the back of the plate, which is all fine, but theres supposedly a screwdriver with a notch on it to snap off some ridge inside the p90 battery? I dont see this ridge. Also from reading arnies, i only have to replace the gearbox protector with a strip of plastic and 2 holes?
Ive also looked at the other aftermarket options. Ive seen the Hurricane p90 butt extender and the Rubber pad. I was thinking maybe the rubber pad maybe something interesting provided it doesnt add as much as the hurricane extender. but i cant find pics of the rubber pad or the extender ANYWHERE.
Ive gone through google, asc showcase, gallery etc.
Edit : ok after taking the plate off, i can see how the jbatt is supposed to fit in. Im also an avid fan of fuses, so im reluctant to take it out. Does anyone know of any way to keep the fuse (maybe smaller sized fuse?) I can see why most people just cut it off as there is very little space.
Certified Sniper Clinic Instructor and Counter Sniper
Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns
Last edited by DarkAngel; January 20th, 2008 at 15:46..