Originally Posted by VipaMave
A competent person would be able to google his own reviews, draw his own conclusions, and realize that anything said here (in this thread) is no more valid than any written reviews. Excuse me for trying to be helpful.
I have read all the reviews that actually pertain to the bbg's that I am interested in-that I have been able to find.
My last post was simply expressing that no one had apparently read the post.
*If you are not going to take the time to Actually read the post-Then why put in the time answering it? If you haven't read the post you don't know what I am asking and there fore, your answer will probably not be what I am looking for, and quite simply put its a waste of YOUR time typing up the response.
I did not ask you to Google me reviews-you stepped up and did that on your own, As I previously stated I mean no disrespect, I just wish to point out that you might as well be answering someone else’s post as your not answering mine-and at that point no one was.
I humbly thank BBS For providing what I was asking for, I.e.-Reasons why you would purchase one over the other. The only applicable response to my original post so far.
To further question BBS, from what I have seen of the Trade marks on the KWC they are better, or am I mistaken in this? Here is a link that take’s
you to a decent pic of the unit in question:
As far as I know the stamping on the slide is more accurate than the TM which has the Made in Japan and a few other non true stamps. Or did you just mean that the stamping looks better on the TM?
By the way you can(or maybe this doesn’t apply anymore and should read 'Could') get it in a chrome/silver version or a version which just has the chrome slide-like the one Bullet Tooth Tony used in SNATCH. I personally prefer the all Black color and would be getting that on the TM or the KWC. Although some have said that they think there is a chance that the chrome model is a bit stronger-if I remember the person believed that the chroming process would not allow for the metal dust to be impregnated in the plastic. Who knows for sure?, probably only the manufacturer …..