The M16A1 / VN / XM177 / CAR15 were all part of Tokyo Marui's first generation Colt/Armalite style guns. With the introduction of the M4A1, a completely new design of the entire gun was created, and thus, a new nozzle was born.
All guns following the M4A1 use the newer nozzle design and include:
Anybody who has worked on the two designs will notice a markedly different approach to the installation of the entire gun - the most noticeable being the lack of a quick-takedown feature of the first generation guns - ie, you could not pop out the rear pin and flip the upper open. The old style guns are assembled the same way you would assemble most metal receivers nowadays where you would slide the gearbox in to the upper first, and then build the lower on to the gun.
Last edited by ILLusion; January 10th, 2008 at 18:41..