You can't have a stock anything with that combination of internals. Is it used? No, your TM box will break soon if your lucky enough. Your spring should be pushing 420-450FPS. If its not than your compression is off and you should consider an m120. Where do you play?
You have a 9.6v and FET and you have ROF issues? What is your ROF, 20rps+? Who makes the FET? FPS please, sry cant do conversion. If over or about 400FPS, try torque or double gears. You may need a better motor too. Is you battery a quality one?
You are asking a lot out of your AEG. Setups like this are usually topped off with a magnum motor. An ICS 3000 motor might be a nice compromise if you don't want to battery drain though.
Last edited by mateba; December 6th, 2007 at 01:12..