Originally Posted by Syn
thanks for the info.
So the CBSA office has nothing to do with the CP sortation plant in Mississauga? For sure $8 with CP I would let them do it. But UPS are rip off artists, a few years back I got dinged $60 on a $180 order from the states, but I thought the only way to do the work myself was to go to the border to get the parcel with paperwork.
For example if I had a UPS parcel, I can go to the CBSA office office to do the brokerage work and get my parcel?
edit ok found it
edit 2 Actually it is very close if not part of the same CP sortation building.
I believe that office is for incoming shipments handled by CP... where CBSA brokers work and inspectors do their examinations.
if you have a parcel coming in from UPS, Fedex or other courier it will be a different office. The main one for the GTA is on Britannia in Mississauga on the Pearson grounds.
Either way if you want to broker your own shipment, once you have the tracking from the sender, call into the courier immediately and tell them you want to broker it yourself.
They will call you once it reaches the Point of Entry and they'll tell you where you can complete the paperwork for CBSA.