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Old December 1st, 2007, 18:55   #28
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Edmonton, AB
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Wouldn't say it's bad for your GBB, it just lacks power compared to 134a, even in made-for-duster guns (like WA) so performance generally sucks.
are you sure?
I read this from the boards

"It's been discussed over an over again. di- duster gas is harder on the seals, and also from what I've seen doesn't provide as much pressure. Stick with the tetra-, it's not that hard to find at all."

"I tought that it was a general consensus in the duster-gas-user's community that Difluorethane was significantly weaker than Tetrafluorethane, and that it also caused the rubber seals to give after a while and/or affect the hop-up sleeve in a negative way (2 problems I would rather not try to confirm... to save a little cash.)"

for these reasons i wouldn't use difluoroethane

heres the thread comparing di to tetra..

Last edited by szetor; December 1st, 2007 at 19:00..
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