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Old November 29th, 2007, 05:54   #29
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Terrebonne, Québec
You got a backyard thug knife... haha

I'd forget about pistol completely and concentrate on usefull equipment.

AEG of your choice. I'd recommend a TM G36c for it's possibility and durability.
A good battery or two, depending on your AEG.
A good battery charger. I recommand a TLP electronic charger.
Something to carry your mags. I'd recommand something in color OD with a modular pouch system.
You will also need complete BDU, a good pair of combat boot, good ballistic glasses, maybe a helmet.

Just the gun, batt and charger set you for about 800$ to 900$. Now add the other necessities. You are about at 1000$ if you buy new or almost new.

After you got all that and you played a few game, you will be in a better position to consider buying a side arm.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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