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Old November 28th, 2007, 15:53   #24
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Brampton Ontario Canada
Yeah having alot of people opinions really helps me get a better idea, as the combined knowlage far excedes what I have. I went looking for the scymatcis f both the M4 and the M16. Since I have handled an M4 before I really like it I have a pic of my M4 on my camera and as soon as I can upload it ill post it. Its only a "clearsoft" ( or it used to be ) But as theM16 is about 250mm longer I will just get a better M4. Up side is I have a few assessories for my M4 ( Laser dot Scpoe / Laser / flash light / tactical forgrip ) With all my sights already locked in it should be no trouble taking the stuff off and putting onto the new one. Also I hear alot about the DE not being the best secondary. I will get one and glock or beretta and try them out to see what is more comfortable for me. Thanks alot everyone for the help. Now just get age verifyed and I set to start my collection
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