Originally Posted by GilesG
(As a side note though, I find few things more satisfying than a burst of paintballs breaking on your intended target)
-Both have the bad side to the community (and quite frankly, I prefer the little paintballing kids over the idiot that thinks he is ready for WWIII because he commands a team in "airsoft training simulations")
-You want smoke, noise and recoil? Buy a real firearm. Neither paintball or airsoft is realistic, they arent even close.
-The OP's point about paintball being messy is rediculous. They have these things called showers now, he should give them a try. You are going to get dirty or sweaty in any sport.
"..few things more satisfying than a burst of paintballs breaking on your intended target" - I'm with ya there man, especially when you're useing red paintballs as we do, it looks like blood. -It's one thing to hit a guy w/ BB's and know you hit him, and another thing to hit someone with a marking round (simunition or paintball) and both KNOW you got him. And the conversations that happen in the safe zone after someone who just got lit up walks in..nuff said.
"...You want smoke, noise and recoil? Buy a real firearm. Neither paintball or airsoft is realistic, they arent even close" True, but most people who play airsoft (at least i speak for myself) play it for the tactical gameplay and simulated 'real' scenarios. Enless you're in the military or LE agancy, you probably will never get to experience true tactical training. There's only so much you can learn from shooting inanimate targets which is why almost all Military and Lawenforcement agencys parctice "force on force training" using simmunition, MILES, or other simmilar tools.
"Airsoft/Paintball - like a video game only the graphics are better."
"The OP's point about paintball being messy is rediculous. They have these things called showers now, he should give them a try. You are going to get dirty or sweaty in any sport." - one thing I find that seems to be too common among many strictly airsoft players (I don't mean to stereo type) is that they spend too much time trying to look pretty and clean. Yes the look is important to me too, you'll never see me wearing any mismatched, or poorly chosen gear, but I'm deffinately not afraid to get a little dirty (the dirtier the better). I mean when you're an actual OP you have more things to worry about than how clean your Tac vest or ACU is. What do you think would happen if a DELTA OP refused to participate in CQB training because he says that the FX (simunition) round will make his uniform dirty? Rediculous right?
( Now just to get everyone back into perspective; I'm not saying eiether sport is better each have their merits/demerits but--- wether it's paintball or airsoft or both, this is a free country, and ultimately this is just a game so lets not get our underwear in a bunch of somthing so trivial, I appriciate all your comments and for shareing your opinions but remember that's all that it is; 'your opinion'. more gaming, less talking)