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Old October 17th, 2007, 21:00   #3
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Originally Posted by Ghillie973 View Post
I guess this is gear related. If not, feel free to move it mods.

Anyways, I need to find out what kind of clothes village elders would wear in the middle east, more specificly afghanistan. For the next two weeks I'm playing the town leader/elder for my unit. Since I always like looking the part, I thought I'd ask for suggestions here.

I've looked online and found what is called a Chapan, but can't find any place to buy one. All the ones on e-bay look way to fancy for what I need. Anyone know anywhere I can get one? Or would my best bet be to try to make one?

I would also like to know about any head dresses I could were, but here's the catch. Since it's a live fire range, I need to wear my helmet. So a terban would probably be my only option. Once again, does anyone know how to make a terban? What's the dementions of the cloth?

Thanks guys.

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