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Old October 15th, 2007, 14:33   #33
jameskersten's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Victoria
Not saying that all SCK are bad but what if you got a defective part out of the box? would you have the tools, knowledge, parts to test and diagnose that issue? Most people don't.
I just bought my SCK a weeks ago, completed the job, fired it once and it stopped working. After hours of checking over everything I decided to replace the electronics (at my cost) thinking i fried something completing the burst mod. New parts came and sure enough, not working still. Finally i borrowed someone elses 490a motor, and its working. So it looks like I had a bad motor. I have heard of guys that get solder in the motor but I was extra careful when soldering to the point of even removing the brush hats off to solder the power leads.
Moral of my story is, sure I saved $500 on the SCK but after replacing the electronics at270 and now likely buying another motor (although Mark is awesome with this and its trying to help me out), I haven't saved anyhting really if you include my time. and the worst part I still am not using my PTW cause the motor is out and I am not sure when its going to be up and running.
I wouldn't recommend a kit to anyone, its not worth it for me anyways. The assembly is easy enough but if anything goes wrong, your SOL here in Canada.
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