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Old October 3rd, 2007, 01:28   #9
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Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Threads where Madbull product is being bashed/flamed:

I saw similar one's on Arnies and other sites i whore in. What i CAN say is that i did find positive reviews on external accessories. They apparently makes a kick ass M203 launcher (or something like that).

And KOS really... re-read what i wrote please. I'm not trashing anyone here, other people are the one's posting the negative comments/reviews about Madbull products they bought.

I wanted a tightbore, almost went with Madbull but i was told it's SHIT. Then i see those threads about people thinking of getting Madbull parts and people say they aren't good. So maybe Madbull is like CA... great externals, shitty internals.

So my statements stands: If anyone has bought the OP's parts or similar one's from Madbull, please tell us/me about it.

Grats on finally being Age-Verified

Well, reading those links I can't say they're much evidence of Madbull being shit. There's one or two people who've had minor issues, some people going "OMFG SO I GUESS ALL MADBULL STUFF IS SHIT" but what do we really have? BB issues with some cheapo plastic mags... and hopup rubbers which, no great surprise, behave pretty much like any other hop up rubbers. The rest is hearsay.

I haven't tried their BBs, maybe they are crap.

I have some of their hop up rubbers and buckings... I'm curious to test the buckings, the idea is interesting because it addresses a problem I've noticed (I've yet to see how well it solves it). I also noticed their hop up rubbers are soft material, similar to, but slightly ticker/stiffer than Marui's stock ones. Dunno how well they'll work. (My favorites were the old Systema clear ones). At any rate, they're like $1.50 from, so they'll be whatever they'll be.

Inner barrel, got one of their Black Python Ver.2 6.03's. Haven't tried that yet either on account of my unfinished mechbox, but it looks promising (very nice finish). This too will be a test, since so far I've sworn by KM and lately Prometheus inners.

Several other parts, including a DNTC compensator which has a finish I've only seen rivaled by Guarder's P-Process finish (except Madbull's is half the price of a Guarder flash hider, and is licensed to boot), and even spots the Primary Arms logo on it like the real thing, and a Noveske KX3 (also licensed) which also has an impeccable finish.

I'll comment on the internals when I try them, but for now I'll say that external accessories are absolutely top notch (at least the Licensed stuff, and the JP Rifles handguards fall into that category).
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