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Old September 28th, 2007, 15:53   #83
Topsy's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: West coast
Dang - no flip mount? I thought the consensus was everyone wanted a flip-to-side mount!? Oh well...

Hellranger: Are you in Canada? I tried to buy a LaRue FTS mount, and they won't ship to Canada. I contacted LaRue directly, and was told there is no Canadian distributer. Unfortunately, LaRue, does not sell their products to Canadians.

Even if you have a friend to ship too in the states, your payment (visa etc) has to be an American address too

KJ Works M9 (full metal)
KSC Glock 19
KWA Glock 26c
"It's Go-Go Not Cry-Cry"-Cherry Darling
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