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Old September 17th, 2007, 05:17   #17
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I'm totally agree with Ancorp

concerning Gearbox type 3 for AK
Cyma gearbox are as good as marui
for me, ACM gearbox like Jing Gong are better than marui

I have a cyma at 280 fps for 16 months and no problem
another cyma at 370 fps out of box, no problem since 8 months
and a jing gong first gen 270 fps for 12 months and no problem (new gen gearbox are better and shoot around 360 fps)
my marui at 380 fps with systema part has 3 years with no problem, I don't know if ACM gearbox will work as long, this is the only point where marui could be better....

In my association there is lot of ACM and the problem are not caused by the gearbox, often problem are from battery (bad quality) or electric wire

concerning the unikorn, as already said, this is just a kit but HK shop put ACM mechanic (like Cyma) in order to sell more

there are 3 ACM AK74SU announced actually (cyma CM035, Dboys and unikorn), lot of people think that some of this are made in the same factory and we think that Cyma and boyi use unikorn kit, but we wait confirmation

for the wood and the metal of this AK, this is better than VFC but not as good as Inokatsu but when you see the price of an inokatsu.....:smack:

Last edited by fox34; September 20th, 2007 at 03:14..
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