I own a M700 A.C.I.S made by tanaka.
1.For gas you must pay attention to the weather conditions.Heat will expand the gas achiveing higher fps than intended and cold will make fps drop.
2.With gas you need to keep the mechanisms clean and oiled with silicone, poseing a problem in getting sand and dirt attached to them so keeping the gun clean is a big issue especilly the barrels silicone and dirt will throw your shots way off.
3.With gas you dont have to pull the bolt all the way back then forward to achive the shot, just enough to load 1 bb into the chamber is ok while the springs you need to pull all the way back and forward to achive a shot.
4.A downfall with gas is you will run out of gas and while in the field playing and you have a perfect shot and you go to squeeze the trigger with no pop it suxs so count your shots (this depends on the temperature).
This all I can think about for now. It all depends on how much you want to spend on it. Haveing to maintain a sniper rifle is tedious but you get used to it after a while. I clean my M700 after every game stripping it to the bare bone clean and relubeing most of the pieces.