WARNING: Roger Skic of Custom Tactical Creations
I would advise extreme caution dealing with this guy, in June I sent him 400.00 USD for the production of a prototype rig I had designed, he told me three weeks for delivery. After sending the money I hadn't recieved any reciept or confirmation of any kind which he told me I would, so I emailed him, no response, a few weeks later and after a few more emails, he finally emailed me back saying I should have recieved the reciept... Three weeks came and went and I inquired about the progress, again no response, another week later and another several emails, he again, emailed me back, saying he was almost done, just waiting on some materials, should be another day or two until he shipped it out. Now it's almost 4 months later and he hasn't responded to any emails in over a month, of course it has passed the time when I can paypal dispute, I've complained with the appropriate authorities however getting a hold of his local police dept is a huge pain in the ass and of course no other would deal with it as it isn't in their jurisdiction.
Anyway, I would advise not dealing with this guy.