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Old September 4th, 2007, 10:10   #12
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From my point of view both as a player and game host, the most important part of airsoft is not if its a milsim or a skirmish day, but to have fun. At the end of the day, thats all that really matters.

Your right though HellRanger, too many hosts are about money and wont tell people to leave. Honestly, I dont have a problem telling people to leave at one of my games. However there has to be a damn good reason for doing it. Everyone makes mistakes, its a fact that we all deal with.

I dont think I would give up on the whole AS scene just yet. As FrozenCriket said, if all the "vets" left who would the new players learn from. Everyone has a certain style of play. Myself for example, I have none, I will generally play any kind of game. I am about having fun.

There are alot of new players, more so in the last couple months here in Ottawa. They all come from a paintball background and most still have that run-and-gun mentality. Once they get into the milsims or semi-milsims they will become better players. You just have to give them time and mentor them. If we dont take these new players and mentor them, then they will just keep playing run-and-gun.

As for assholes, guess what my friend, there sadly everywhere. In the Ottawa community we dont have too many, luckily.

This weekend at the foxden we had a noob vs vet day and it was probably one of the funner games I have played.

Ultimatily the choice is yours. I would hate to see you go seeing as I only meet you back at Holyman Redemption this season.
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