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Old August 30th, 2007, 16:28   #13
A Total Bastard
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Tottenham, Ontario
Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
And don't you think that IF the information i was given, the retailers i called, e-mail and drove too had worked i would STILL be looking for a camelbak??? Do you seriously think i'm enjoying making a new thread because i can't find a peice of gear?

Think about that before replying. And even better, don't bother replying as i won't bother reading your posts.

Bloodsport - Thanks, i'm gonna contact him ASAP.
Couldnt care what you think dude, or if you dont read my posts or threads, I wouldnt read yours either but its hard when you spam threads, make stupid posts in every thread on the boards trying to be like Stalker? Dude Stalk is a very good friend of mine, and he is nothing like what your making him out to be. Right now, your slaying his good name with your crap, and like these others have already told you, enough is enough.

One peice of advice, go to an actual airsoft game to find out common information. Im curious as to the type of welcome you get and if you actualy act like this smartass big mouth in person.

I answered your question as well at stated my point and opinion, same as Bloodsports answer, show respect to that, or dont, I dont care.
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