Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Heck for a $1000, pick up a CA FMU aeg and slap a slightly more powerful spring in there and you should be fine.Heck ever leave it stock and your good. Spend the rest on mags and a spare batt and your good to go, with some change left over too probly.
im really really starting to think THIS is the better idea!!!! in total the echo 1 comes up to approx 800 with the upgrades while the following only needs like a spring (20-50 bucks?) and they are just as good if not better than a modded echo 1 from what ive been reading. After hours and hours of reading (literally) reviews and getting opinions i think maybe its just better to get either of these:
From what i hear only simple mods are needed (eg under 100 dollars?). Does my new light seem to be a good idea fellow airsofters? In total + a battery would make me a ready to go upgraded better than echo1m4a1 AEG that is a little under 800 bucks compared to the 700 echo 1.
unless convinced otherwise by somebody, this SEEMS to be the most cost effective solution so far for my new AEG that would also probably last longer with less mods than the Echo 1 M4A1