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Old August 26th, 2007, 16:06   #1
Smoke.Aug.a2's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Whitby
some airsoft heavy guns

Some Guna I would like to own or see in a game

The Rpg YouTube - AIRSOFT RPG - 7 by 6th - Poland

The vulcan minigun owning a tv

airsoft flame thrower, looks like a bb hose!

YouTube - Airsoft Flamethrower!

Airsoft 50 cal barret/m249 saw. Waste of beer.

YouTube - Airesoft Barrett.50 and SAW, beercan massacre!

Theres a ton more but ive run out of time, If my spelling is bad sorry I'll fix it later.

What do all of you think? :infantry:
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