Originally Posted by Metro
your got it! nice nice job!
now next step
add the Vltor VIS
and your ready to go!
I know... it's so tempting, but that's the project that threatens to rape my wallet... I can't justify it.
... yet.
Originally Posted by WarChild7
Fantastic looking machine....very bad ass! Your launcher fits very tight up against the gun....is that M203 military-mounted with the bottom rail segment on the RIS removed?
Yes, it is.
Part of the new RAS II spec is that in order for a rail system to meet RAS II compliancy, it must allow quick deployment of an M203 launcher. How it does it, it doesn't matter, but Daniel Defense and a couple of other companies do it better than KAC by free floating the outer barrel away from the grenade launcher. The longer rails allow the grenade launcher to be mounted up to an internal bracket of the rail, which frees up all the weight from the outer barrel.
But from what I've seen, the KAC solution is one of the simplest and allows the quickest attachment / removal of the M203.