Originally Posted by Regan.S
Hey okay I know it would be alot of money but my parents really want to do something because we haven't done anything alot so I thought I'd get into Airsoft. Would it be a wise idea to use gas guns? Also I'm only 15 turning 16 soon. I was planning to have airsoft wars with my friends too start if I couldn't get into actual ones which I'm doubting. my friends have armor and weapons each.
Ah crap, didn't see this. Auto-fail. 15 is just too young.
Some teams might allow you to play at 16, but usually only with a parent present. Get in contact with local teams and explore your option, perhaps visit a game with your folks. You will get turned down a lot though, for a variety of good reasons that are not all about "maturity".
Be aware that playing outside of sanctionned airsoft fields in inviting untold amounts of hurt in your life, ranging from loss of property, to a criminal record, to suicide by cop.
Either play at places you can, or don't.