Thread: WGC Shop review
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Old August 10th, 2007, 19:24   #25
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
It's all about when you send your e-mail since HK has 7 hours or something like that more than Eastern time.
Try 12 hours.

I've had them reply to me at 2-3pm Eastern time before, which is 2-3am. I have a pretty good report with Henry & John - those guys never seem to sleep and are workaholics at times. I've met John, and he's a good guy. As for Henry, the guy stays up so late working that when I went to visit them in the afternoon, the frigging guy was sleeping. lol.

As for the member discount, it adds up credits or points with WGC which can be entered in to raffles and/or draws for guns or accessories. Unfortunately, that's no good to Canadian citizens if you win a gun. Before I went wholesale with them, I had racked up about $20,000 in purchases and never saw a discount. None of those orders exceeded $2000 USD in one shot.

The only time you see a discount is when a SINGLE order racks up over I believe it's $3,000 USD. Even still, it's one discount grade above that... I've ordered as much as around $23,000 in a single order and I didn't get a bigger discount than at $3,000. Keep in mind, the numbers in this particular paragraph were based on my wholesale account.

Then again, I moved to wholesale shortly after they introduced that credit/point system. If I kept paying regular prices, who knows, something may happen.

Last edited by ILLusion; August 10th, 2007 at 19:33..
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