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Old August 6th, 2007, 21:45   #13
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Originally Posted by TrueTGN View Post
Wrong. They had problems with bringing the guns over the border (customs) from the US. They still made profit as the guns were still considerably less in the states then what they sold for here. About double

A&A imports their guns from China/Japan and to do it right you need certain licenses among other things to get it done. Which in turn is why costs are so high sometimes.
so, they didnt have the right paper work? ok, well do you need the same licenses for international as you would the states? or is it all different?

anyways, i was just stating my oppinion, because i found it wierd that their prices were so small in comparison, i dont really know much other than that though, other than the fact that cyma well products cost cheap as hell to get wholesale...
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