Thread: tokyo marui aep
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Old July 15th, 2007, 22:38   #20
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
how much does it cost to totally upgrade the aep to its max? and will it be easy to install the parts or do i have to bring it to a pro?
The first question is pretty vague, so here is your vague answer:
$10 to $1000.

Define "max." Max velocity? Max consistency? Max ROF? Max durability? Max battery life? Max accessories (optics, slings, suppressors, extended inner barrels, tightbores, extra magazines, longer magazines, holsters, different iron sights, tracer units, etc etc etc? )

And if you've never upgraded a gun before, I highly don't recommend trying it on your MP7 as your first gun. It's not that upgrade-friendly, and you may be disappointed at the results.

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
how much does it cost to fully upgrade a gbb? and same will i be able to install the parts myself?
That's an even MORE vague question, so here is an even more vague answer:

$0.01 to $10,000.

Define "fully". Even with that, aftermarket part selection can range widely, depending on the gun platform you choose. Some guns have almost no upgrades available. Others have almost every single part of the gun available in upgrade parts. And then there's some guns like WA 1911s, that have premium parts that can run you well in to the cost of a small car.

Can you install the parts yourself? That depends on your mechanical dexterity, how good you are with working with your hands and your innate understanding of mechanics & pneumatics. It also depends largely on what it is you're upgrading. To put it in to perspective: MOST AEG doctors are not willing to deal with GBBs, because they're a very different beast.

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
which is easier to repair if it breaks?
That depends. What's broken?

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
i searched around the forum and i found out that ppl use dischargers to remove all the electricity from the batteries, is it alright for me to leave like 70% of the electricity inside the battery and use it again after lets say a few months, will it damage the battery? since i do this for my camera
That's exactly what I do with my batteries. Does it harm it? I don't know. I don't even care. I just do the discharge before I charge it. But so far, all my batteries still hold full charge, even though some of them are 5 years old now. I'm not saying it DOESN'T cause damage - I'm just saying that I haven't seemed to notice any noticeable damage on my batteries.

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
for gas do you have to empty out all the gas before putting it away? i'm guessing yes since some guns use propane and its danagerous.
I don't empty it. Is it harmful for the magazines? I don't know, but again, I haven't noticed any damage to my magazine valves, despite storing this way for a couple of years.

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
what if i wanted to take only a few shots is it alright for me to put in a little gas and take the few shots or do i have to completely fill her up to use?
You don't have to do a complete fill.

Originally Posted by unused123 View Post
since ksc is a japanese company are all their guns made in japan like tokyo marui?
KSC is a Japanese company, but most of their manufacturing is done in Taiwan. However, the Japanese versions of their products go through more stringent QC processes when sold to Japanese market.

Originally Posted by BBS View Post
batteries nowadays claim to have "no memory" so you can charge it even when its 90% or 20% full. but to keep your batt running in top shape, dischargers are reccomended.
This is only true with Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) cells, which do not require discharges between charges.

Nickel-Cadmium cells still require discharging and can suffer from memory.

Last edited by ILLusion; July 15th, 2007 at 22:44..
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