how much does it cost to totally upgrade the aep to its max? and will it be easy to install the parts or do i have to bring it to a pro?
how much does it cost to fully upgrade a gbb? and same will i be able to install the parts myself?
which is easier to repair if it breaks?
i searched around the forum and i found out that ppl use dischargers to remove all the electricity from the batteries, is it alright for me to leave like 70% of the electricity inside the battery and use it again after lets say a few months, will it damage the battery? since i do this for my camera
for gas do you have to empty out all the gas before putting it away? i'm guessing yes since some guns use propane and its danagerous.
what if i wanted to take only a few shots is it alright for me to put in a little gas and take the few shots or do i have to completely fill her up to use?
since ksc is a japanese company are all their guns made in japan like tokyo marui?
(edit: googled it and found out that the glock 18c gbb is made in taiwan, please verify)
btw my budget is around $2g so i want the best so i dont regret it.
thanks guys keep on replying please!