to kos --> (The Eotech Reticle isn't stationary as normal red dots are, it's holographic and seems to "follow your eye/head" while your looking through it.)
So having it closer allows me to get an accurate sight picture before my head is centered on the cheek rest. Does that make sense?
And ancorp a lot of the wear on the gun is actually from slamming it into concrete walls and dragging it through all the rocks and trenches on the field. I see where your coming from, though. But you have to remember working with sandpaper gives you one chance to make it perfect and is very imprecise. All in all I think I did a half decent job on my first try with my first gun, right?
"I think war might be God's way of teaching us geography."
Paul Rodriguez
Last edited by shomie911; July 12th, 2007 at 14:59..