I'm sorry to hear that you send more than 10 emails to one verifier. Can that person be Aper? He's in the Forces now and I don't think he'll be able to do any verifying at the present time.
You have to be patience with us verifiers. We're all doing this because we believe that airsoft guns should be sold to 18+ and not because we get something for this. It may have been better when age verification started but I can say that not everything can be blamed on the age verifiers. After agreeing to meet with someone and having to wait for them to show up, we can get frustrated with the concept of us verifiers going to meet you.
It's easy for one of you to complain that you can't get age verified in a timely fashion. You get pissed when we don't answer your email right away. Imagine how we feel when you don't show up on time or don't even bother to show after setting a time and place. Or when we tell them to meet us somewhere, we'll get no respond back from them.
If you don't seem to get a reply with your emails, use the ASC PMs. We're mostly here and I think it's the best chance to get a meet with a local age verifier. Your 1 email to me have been answered.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
: Special Battalion East-(SBE-01)