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Old July 12th, 2007, 13:15   #1
shomie911's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Florida
[56kbs death] M4 CQB/r + Eotech + Night-ops Gladius (New Pictures, Last Page)

EDIT: Me and my friend's team video's are available on youtube here -->

The below videos are particularly good:
-H.E.A.T Main CQB
-H.E.A.T (Airsoft pro's)

All these videos were made/edited by my friend (It's his youtube account)

My CA M4 CQB with my Eotech 512 and Night-ops Gladius.

The entire reciever, front sight post, and rail system has been lightly sanded with a fine grit sandpaper to give it a very dull, matte look over the original glossy Classic Army paint. Then I took some rough grit sandpaper and created some wear on the body. Some of it is real though, I've put this gun through a lot. The look once I was done with the sanding is extraordinary and these pictures just don't do it justice.

--The M190 at the bottom is missing its trigger and hammer because of internal problems (hammer, trigger and an internal trigger springs broke simultaneously)--

Tell me what you think of it and any further external stuff you think I should put on it.

EDIT: New Photo


EDIT: The lever that's on my Eotech is a GG&G (not a typo, it's a different company) Accucam mount. 10x better than the stock screw and is guaranteed to keep zero within 1/2 MOA when removed and replaced.

"I think war might be God's way of teaching us geography."

Paul Rodriguez

Last edited by shomie911; July 13th, 2007 at 10:03..
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