Originally Posted by Trader 762
I'm starting to see the difficulty in getting a model I really want.
That being said, what are the benefits and drawbacks between a metal body and a plastic body, namely CA vs. TM for the M4A1 type models.
I've read some reviews and they said a metal body is more trouble then its worth in terms of function, but for looks, metal is hands down a winner.
Just trying to pick a primary weapon right now is tough, do I go Carbine or full rifle, add all the bells and whistles or just go stock.
The combinations are endless.
Also, do those scopes really make a difference in your play and aiming?
The newbie questions are endless!
There are absolutely no benefits to having a plastic bodied gun. It'll break on you pretty quick. Not to mention all the scratches/dents you'll put in it from having it slung on yer back..