Originally Posted by Cassius
Yeah but doesn't the real Scout Snipers use an M4A1 as their backup and defense weapon? Also the British SAS snipers use an SA80 as their primary and switch to the AWF when the time comes.
I'm talking real steel here but if I personally ever wish to use my M24 on a game, I would first build myself something like this: http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...EG-615_cat_WGC Custom AEGs
The USMC Scout Snipers are equiped with either the M4A1 or the M16A3 for their secondary weapon. Some do as well have M203 GL fitted on their M4's/M16A3's. The spotter would be equiped with a M4A1/M16A3 as well. As for a sidearm, both sniper and spotter would carry the M9 Beretta. As well a few incedinary, frag and smoke grenades.
The gun you're planning to build would be suffiecent but I would recommend a longer barrel. Otherwise...good choice.
I play sniper for my team and my primary is a Tanaka M700 AICS and my secondary is a TM M4A1 w/M203 (which is at the moment torn apart for upgrades and painting). Since my Ghillie interfere's of having a sidearm...I usually don't carry one.