Aftermath Kraken AK47 AEG
k let's just say that this is NOT a brand name AEG but I will say that it should be!
I just purchased this today as a loaner gun mainly for a friend. I was originally going to pick something up from soft air USA for him but I can't order any of the good guns in that I want until next year.
So stopping off at a local hunting place I spied this thing hanging behind the counter. I figured it was one of those soft air ones that shoot only 180fps and when I saw that it was $199.99 plus taxes a damned near shit. Soon after looking at the rear guns, I decided to look closer at it.
The moment the young guy handed it over I knew this was no softair. First, the package stated Adult Airsoft (lol) and then there was simply the weight, this damn thing is HEAVY! Granted not as heavy as my M14 but heavy as any other TM AEG I've held.
First thing I noticed when looking at it was there was ALLOT of metal on this thing, thus the weight. The army green front grips and the full buttstock was misleading at first but they can be painted. Everything that is metal on a TM AK47 is metal on this one. The lower receiver is plastic (clear) BUT a metal kit is available from the company to replace the plastic one. The gear box is metal and can be seen through the clear lower receiver.
Well the package was a bitch to get open... God I hate plastic. It also stated that the gun shoots 370fps. The first thing I did when reading that was look for the disclaimer. Allot of the softair guns now say the FPS and then in a disclaimer tell you with what weight of BBs. So upon close searching, 370fps with .2's! The gun has a few small creaks but those match the creaks and rattles found in a real AK anyways.
I took the gun out and laid it aside. Also in the package as a highcap which they state holds 110 rounds and is also clear. The gun also comes with a battery and charger. The nice thing about these is that it's an 8.4v 1200 mAH mini Ni-CD battery like everyone else uses in airsoft, some tips and everything. So took the battery out and hooked it up to my smart charger while I looked everything else over. Aside from all that it comes with 1000 rounds of .2 BB's, a cheap sling, and a cleaning rod
Well I filled the clip up half way and wound it up. I took the gun outside, slapped the clip in and moved the selector switch to the middle position. I pulled the trigger and a rain of BB's came flying out the gun narrowly missing the dog running around the backyard. So after putting the dog inside and closing the door FIRMLY behind me this time, I picked the gun up again.
I'm not sure on the TM AK's but I thought the middle position wasa semi-auto. Here comes the first problem with the gun, I flicked the switch to the bottom position for semi-auto, pull the trigger and nothing happened. WTF? After moving the switch halfway between semi and full it worked. Ah well, who needs semi-auto anyways.
I noticed the BB's were flying upwards after about 20 feet so I pulled the chocking handle bank and found a simple to use Hopup control. A small white lever that you can move forward or back. Moved it forward abit and now my BB's are flying straight for a very long ways.
I decided I might as well try the dreaded popcan test to see roughly if this thing is anywhere near the FPS it claims. Let's just say that when I pulled the trigger while on semi auto that can didn't know whether to duck or not. It seemed that the can stood still and then at the last moment decided to run! I picked the can up off the grass and was surprised to find a clean hole in both sides of the can!
I switched from the BB's that came with the gun to MetalTech ones and the accuracy improved immediatly!
Overall without having fielded it to any games I can't say too much but for everything it's done and acted so far, it seems that for the price there is no way you can go wrong! If you don't like the clear parts, just spray them black!