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Old June 2nd, 2007, 20:30   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Airsoft Ghost town 2008? *PICS ADDED*

My uncle is the head of a society that looks after and restores BC's oldest Ghost town by the name of Quesnel Forks. Located two hours north east of Williams Lake literally in the middle of nowhere! With a government camp site only a 2 minute walk from the ghost town and with large open fields, gravel pits, two rivers, etc it's a very lovely location.

Anyways he asked me about setting up a large airsoft game there. The ghost town is mainly made up of barely standing buildings although there are a couple they have restored.

I have no idea how to even set one of these things up. It all depends on how many people decide to show up and such. I figure it would be neat to have a large game going along with a concession, there is a bandstand for a band to play, and things like that.

Anyone have any clues about getting something like this started, how much to charge, etc?

The town of Likely (where I live) is located half an hour before you get to Quesnel Forks. Likely has a pub, general store, gas station, propane store, restaurant, etc. There is no power at Quesnel Forks though so generators would be a must for recharging batteries and such.

Anyways I was told to post this here to help get the word out. I need to see how many people would be interested in it, what should be charged for it, and WHAT DAYS should it be held on?

Last edited by Drache; June 8th, 2007 at 21:15..
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