well i agree...
i agree with Dr. too ^^
That's axactly what i was thinking....
And bean i didn't say that lol.
I just like when a pelle goes fast and i think it's like this for anyone.
Well i didn't say "faster pellet = better gun", but i like the fact that it shot fast.
I don't know about you guys, but i like to see that i have some power in what i buy...I mean not only with airsoft or paintball but like anything....Like your car lol. You want a good quality car that won't need any reparations but you want something powerfull when you need it or when you want it ^^
It is not necessarily an important criteria for everyone but i think it is a big one for me.
I like when the bb is going far but i agree it doesn't tell how good is the gun and that's for sure...