Thread: Jing Gong G36C
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Old May 30th, 2007, 17:23   #42
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Canada - Quebec - Montreal
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lol Mysteryfish i know what you mean when u say that i give only good comments about this gun cause i have a view on it...

Well it's not necessarily this...
I got some comments from a person that i know so that help alot...
I wasn't sure like everyone of you at the begining but now i am....

1 - Well it is not "hearsay" for the "CA" gearbox... I found this :

And they say "marquage CA sur la gearbox" wich means that there's "CA" "Classic Army" right on the Gearbox...

Look at CA gearbox if you don't believe me...

So now you got proof it is a Ca...

2 - I didn't mention the fact that having a CA was an advantage over the TM but well.... the fact that it shot harder may be an advantage like i said...

3-4-5 - Well for the mechbox longevity, go ask Classic army if they do cheap gearbox or not...I think we all know the answer...for the velocity, i got it right here :

Go see the reply of the guy named Kila.93....the last reply... he tested it with a chrono and he got a minimum of 349 fps and a max of 359 fps...For the longevity, like i said it's a CA so i think you could keep the gun for a good long time....And the only other reason is that i know someone that never got any problems...maybe it doesn't mean that much to you but well...

hmm for the story of the gun, the guy got it like 6 month ago...
Maybe it's not long enough to tell if it's a trouble gun but well....

Well i hope i responded to a couple of your questions, and go read some reviews you'l see it'S better than what you think im sure...

Oh and gives it 5/5 everywhere...

* Weight: 5/5
* Feel: 5/5
* Performance: 5/5
* Overall: 5/5


Last edited by Union; May 30th, 2007 at 17:26..
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