Thread: Jing Gong G36C
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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:56   #37
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If my memories are correct, the first Jing Gong guns came at not even 6 month ago, how can they have proven any durability yet. Isn't that too early to talk about its durability?

And i read here somewhere that it is not CA gears that are inside, its another compagny that uses the same initials. Supposed to be TM gears made out of better metal or something like that. But my only experience coming from what i read over the net, i can,'T talk much. but from what ive read in many forums, new and old players gave good rating for the JG G36C and seem to complain only about over-lubed mechboxes and the loud sound it makes.
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.

Last edited by Naerah; May 30th, 2007 at 06:08..
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