Ran into an issue with mine yesterday, as it was the first time I tried to field it.
I was unable to insert the magazine without a great deal of force (yes, the bolt was out of the gun) and once I had it seated (by a slap on the bottom of the mag), it would not release. The mag release lever had lost all tension and wouldn't move - it was rock solid - and it took me 5 minutes to get the mag out by pushing it down hard from the inside/top of the now-boltless receiver with my fingers while wiggling the mag back and forth.
Upon cursory inspection, the side of the mag is now pretty scratched up (it was mint before), and as near as I can tell the mag was being pinched after inserting it about 1.5" - it was almost like the walls of the magazine well were too tight? There may be some damage to the mag catch from having to force it open. I'm going to use some emery cloth or a buffing wheel on my dremel to smooth the inside of the magwell, but I'm unimpressed to say the least.
In the meantime, anyone else experience this? Since this gun is pretty rare in my parts, it's not like I can just find another mag to cheek and see if the problem is the magazine or the receiver....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.