Originally Posted by swatt13
so i tried the helmet out today and ya, it worked actually pretty good... better than the black doorag i have to admit. it just feels akward and clunky, i like the feel of the rag more.
Looks great! Maybe you could try a Multicam bandana if you like the feel of the rag better?
Originally Posted by swatt13
i find them perfect, the way the cp pants are cut, they are designed to always be on your knee, also theres more to the knee pad than what you see on the outside, theres padding around it on the inside that guides your knee in place, or if your on uneven ground. you knee and shins are always padded
Ah good to know, that sounds very comfy. I have a love/hate relationship with my kneepads. Love the look and they're great for when I'm down on my knees, but after about 4-5 hours of game play, the back of my knees are killing me despite whether I cross the straps or not. The Crye MC would definitely solve my problem.