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Old April 22nd, 2007, 13:14   #43
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Location: Mississauga
Originally Posted by whoha View Post

YES very concerned as I have done this before for a couple of people and the item has come back with mech boxes blown and bb's jammed in the barrels. so to that answer is yes.
I completely understand what you are saying as I used to work in retail for 10 years for a major electronics chain. Allowing exchanges or refunds on items that can not be resold as new is not wise and can severely effect a company's bottom line. Our chain probably had a million dollars worth of stuff sitting around that we could not sell, even heavily discounted.

The difference with this case is that the customer paid for something that he did not receive, AND it is still in new condition. I really don't see what the problem is here. It's exactly the same as someone buying a recordable dvd player and not wanting to record anything for a few months and then finding out that the unit doesn't record and is only a player. He should be given what he paid for or get a refund. Then you should go after the manufacturer or distributor yourself if somehow you lost money by their mistake.
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