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Old April 21st, 2007, 21:58   #33
Mongoose's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta
Regardless what Tanaka supplied for information. A&A should have examined the gun to make sure it's the correct model before shipping and that his order was complete. WGC are listing their Tanaka M700 AICS, with no PCS.

Early November last year, WGC listed the Tanaka M700 AICS was equiped with the PCS. I emailed WGC in the beginning of December before I ordered mine to make sure. They replied they are no longer carrying the M700 AICS with the PCS as Tanaka has stopped producing the PCS and installing gas regulators in them due to the fps restrictions that have been imposed in Japan. I ordered mine in mid-December through Raygis LasVegas in one of his group orders from RedWolf. He contacted RedWolf before he ordered it to confirm they sold the M700 AICS with the PCS.

So if Tanaka sent info on their product, I'm sure they sent the updated info to him on regards that the Tanaka M700 AICS is not equiped with the PCS feature. However, there is a guy in the states, I beleive he resides in California, who had made a special replacement nozzle to eliminate the gas regulator. I think he was selling them for around $20US (can't remember).
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