Project started back just before KS2.5 Built completely from scratch, pretty much finished but I would like to replace the HK stock with a Star VLTOR one. Sorry for the semi shitty pics I haven't completely figure out my new cameras settings either that or I have the bad case of the shakes
-Hurricane HK416 Kit V1
-Systema Complete Gearbox
-TM EG1000 Motor
-Misc Body Furniture
-Magpul MIAD Grip (HAHA Bitches)
-Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard
-TangoDown MK46 Battlegrip
-EOTECH 511 A65 Rev.F
-Troy Flipup Front (Repo)
-Troy Rear Sights (Repo)
-Gemtech HALO Silencer (Repo)
-Harris Bipod (Repo)
-ARMS QD Bipod Mount (Repo)
-Magpul/Ergo Rail Ladders
-Scratch Built Surefire w/XM07 Tailcap
-Surefire M79 Mount
-VITAL2 (Repo)
-MAG HK Marked Mags w/Magpul's
With everything mounted to the tits its extremely front heavy thats why I never have more then a few things mounted. Prefer setup is bare bones irons/EOtech.
Things you might be wondering in the background
-Garmin 60csx
-Hatch Hard Knuckle Operator Gloves (New and o so cool)
-Oakley SI Assault Gloves
-Toy Soldier IBH Helmet
-Peltor Comtacs
-USMC Fleece Cap
-Pelican 1750 Tan Case