Thread: MAGS
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Old April 16th, 2007, 21:54   #1
McSpankyMp5's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Edmonton

Well i just bought a noob gun cause i was like bored (ya thats a dumb reason) but i was like i feel like buying a noobish gun so (
that is the gun there so i just got it in the mail and when reading through the instructions i found the mag loading technique just flat out dumb
basically you have a mag and you have to but a hollow pole into it fill it with bbs then take a solid pole and shove them in
Now this is just stoopid in a game cause you'll be like sweet i get a chance to load it and then some guy rushes you and your like WELL THAT SUCKS

so i got on to every site i can think of and i came up with nothing for mags WHICH SUCKS so i was wondering
1) if anyone has purchased this gun and how did you solve this problem
2) would there be anyway to use like a tokyo mauri mag since this is a 1:1 scale gun so ya

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