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Old April 11th, 2007, 13:31   #42
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Gatineau, Quebec (Near Ottawa)
Originally Posted by Saberwing View Post
why can't minors be made to pass a test. on safety, and watever else the government wants. and if the kid passes, he can play airsoft, with a parent present. and the parent owns the guns. and if they kid breaks the rules that were laid down by the government, he gets his airsofting pass revoked until he's 18
Because the government said, clearly, that Replicas can only be owned by someone over 18?
And if you interpret that rule in a certain way, a teen cant use one either?

Also because; many teens dont follow those basic rules (parent present and use on an authorized field); the program you want does not exist (and they're not likely to implement it); and if you really want to shoot something just go see if there is a youth program at your local gun range?

Then there's the novel idea of waiting until you are 18 and do this legally?
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