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Old April 7th, 2007, 16:14   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Kingston Ontario,
My attempt at fixing my pistol story

Well I have a WA Beretta and the slide is loose, sounds like metal is scratching on plastic and I didn’t like my slide release being on the left side of the pistol. So me being dumb decided to fix one thing and I said it can’t be hard to change the slide release.

So I take of the Hugo, this small bent metal bar spring thing fell out , shit, umm where does it go? It took some time and I think I put it back in place, put the grip back on click, gun works. Ok lets do this again, so I take the grip off again and pulled out the slide release, I noticed the spring and I said I bet I'm going to loose this. Sure enough I lost it! With every swear word out of my system I decide I have to figure out how to fix this.... What in my house has small springs? AH pens, I take apart 4 pens no luck on a size that would fit into the small opening. So now I'm on the search again, I just happen to come across a lighter which is funny because my girl friend and I don’t smoke and we use a candle light so to find a Bic in my house was odd. I disassemble the light, BING! There goes a spring at the speed of sound, yeah it’s gone. I look in the lighter and there was another spring. Yes I’m in luck, it will fit in the hole width wise, the length I can cut to size. So I got about the painful task of trying to get this to work. Finally putting it back together I here a BING again, sure enough the spring took flight. It took a bit to remember but I still had half a Bic spring on my computer desk. I put it in and it works.

So if your ever in the field and for some bloody reason your release is not working find someone with a Bic lighter and carefully get the spring out and cut it to size then you have a temporary fix till you get a new spring for your pistol.

Didnt know where to post my lame story but I had fun and wish that some day someone can teach me how to put my guns back together after I take them apart LOL

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