1) Make and Model
-- AK47, TM
2) Date Purchased
-- I forget, been that long. Before 2000?
3) Cost
-- About $450
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- None
6) Esthetic Problems
-- Fake wood did not look that great.
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- Thousands, failure was dirt that somehow got into the mechbox after 2 seasons.
8) Changes to Internals
-- Upgraded Spring, then back to the stock spring.
-- Spring Guide/Bushings
-- New Piston (once, replaced with a stock Marui spring)
-- New mechbox (screws closing it had stripped)
-- Metal body (was not needed, I just felt like it)
9) Resale Date and Value
-- No idea, keeping it.
I also have a Marui Spetz. It has a PDI150 (or close to it plus metal bushings) and the rest is 'stock'. Works like a charm.
Last edited by Bravo One-Six; April 6th, 2007 at 11:21..