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Old April 6th, 2007, 10:32   #1
Bravo One-Six
Pacification Specialist
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Airsoft / Clearsoft - Long Term Reliability Study

When you decide to enter the world of Airsoft in 2007, you're confronted with a plethora of choices. What used to be a simple decision is now confounded by dozens of manufacturers and products. In addition, there seems to be no clear answer as to which of the various options best suits your needs as debates regarding the various makes and models and their quality abound. Is it better to buy a Tokyo Marui gun, or will a cheaper model suit your needs? Has the quality of the less popular/less expensive manufacturers improved, and how do they perform over the long run?

This post will attempt to answer that question with your help.

The concept is to track the owners of various makes and models of weapons and the performance of said models on a few key points. These are recorded over the long term and posted here in order to help individuals make informed decisions about the guns they intend to purchase.

The key points are as follows:
1) Manufacturer, Model Name (name of weapon on box, and weapon replicated if different from model name)
2) Date Obtained
3) Initial Cost
4) New or Used
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related -- supply date of issue)
6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related -- supply date of issue)
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed. If no failure, list rounds fired up to this point)
8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates)
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
10)Notes and Comments (Optional)

1) You may only submit information for a gun YOU OWN personally. No 'friend of friend' second hand information
2) ONLY MAKE ONE POST, and edit it to update your information.
3) This is open to ANYONE who owns a gun, and I specifically encourage individuals with 'clearsoft' or less well known manufacturers (Well, CYMA) to participate.
4) Please remember you are contributing FACTS about your gun. If you have any opinions on it, please state them in point 10 only. Only put in esthetic/performance related issues if it malfunctioned (something broke, wobbly, etc). If it doesn't shoot fast enough out of the box, that's an opinion and should be stated in point 10.

I've had a few requests to add information into the product conclusions in the next post. Most specifically, add in the selling price. I would consider this but since most of the guns are selling after modifications, an average price wouldn't be very accurate. If you're looking to see the market value of a specific gun, take a look at the various reports for each weapon to see which one matches what you're looking for / what you have. Keep in mind that prices can fluctuate with time as well. The price of a gun sold 3 years ago might not be the price of it now.

"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."

Last edited by Bravo One-Six; April 11th, 2007 at 07:47..
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