Thread: TM P226
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Old April 5th, 2007, 18:41   #1
CalvinTat's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Red Deer
TM P226

New Problem however... My Guarder metal frame/slide for the TM P226, I have fitted the frame with little problems other than the usual game of "find the retarded small spring", however I just ran across a problem!

On the left side of the P226 the holes drilled for the screws that secure the grips do not have a threading, how can I remedy this situation?

Initial Problem solved. Thank you Renegade!
Hey Guys,

I am encountering a slight problem with my P226 atm. The issue is with part P226-11 and P226-10 and me not knowing where the hell it came from. The diagram provided by TM does not exactly help. I suspect it goes in front of the piston lip and into the muzzle but I cannot get it to sit properly. I have; however, left the parts out and attempted to fire the P226 and there doesn't seem to be any problems.

Edit: P226 slide does not lock back when magazine is empty due to the lack of this part.

Oh and I kinda bent it a bit by accident, about a 30 degree bend from normal.

Thanks for any help.

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Last edited by CalvinTat; April 5th, 2007 at 23:52..
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