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Old March 13th, 2007, 22:05   #1
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Solution: M11 not cycling properly

Was having problems with the bolt on my M11 not cycling fully on single shot and only managing a few rounds in full auto. After tinkering for a bit I found the problem was related to the hammer spring assembly (parts 69, 71 - 75).

There is a little tab on the right hand side of the valve striker (part 69) that had broken off. This piece wasn't getting forced down and therefore would not push the valve in far enough to release enough gas. Instead of ordering a new part I tried a bit of MacGyver'ing to see what would happen.

I drilled a 1/16" hole in the side of the hammer and jb welded an equal sized picture frame nail into the hole, trimmed it down to about 3/16" exposed and reassembled.

Now as easy as that is to type, putting it back together was a pain in the ass. I made up a little drawing and dropped it beside some pics of the assembly after I removed it. Hope someone can use it down the road.

Oh yeah, the results... It works amazingly well. I ran a few mags through it switching between single and full and had no issues. Depending on how well this will last will determine if this post be moved into CDN_Stalker's "anti-fix" thread...

"Howlin' Mad" Murdoch

Last edited by Murdoch; March 13th, 2007 at 22:37..
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